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Bridgend Asbestos Services, a UKAS-accredited testing laboratory, No 7864, provide four-stage clearance testing and all types of asbestos in air monitoring.  


We also provide a call out service to test suspect materials for asbestos content and all types of asbestos survey throughout South Wales and its surrounding areas, including Bridgend, Cardiff, Merthyr Tydfil, Neath, Newport and Swansea.  


Established in 2003 as MAMCo, we changed our name in 2015 to highlight our location and the specialist asbestos-related services we offer.  In 2016, our UKAS accreditation allowed us to expand our range of services to include asbestos air monitoring and asbestos clearance testing.  


We offer a complete range of specialist asbestos services at competitive rates to assist all dutyholders and contractors.  We have worked with a diverse range of clients, from homeowners and tenants through to housing associations; and from multi-national hotel chains through to large scale industrial operations.


Please email or call to discuss your requirements. 

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Bridgend Asbestos Services Ltd, Unit 22 Brynmenyn Business Centre, Brynmenyn Industrial Estate, Bridgend, CF32 9TZ


Registered in England & Wales No 4817052  Registered office: 41 Chestnut Drive, Porthcawl, CF36 5AD


© Bridgend Asbestos Services Limited 2015, all rights reserved

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